
Valle d'Aosta: distanziometer for the game rooms

With firmness it has often stated that the "distanziometer", and the hourly ignition bands of the Slot machine, cannot be tools that can contribute to the contrast of the problematic game: and not only, it is asserted that the only goal they reach is to concretize the expulsive effect for the lawful game, a topic that has been running rivers in recent times of words. And as if the territories of Piedmont, in the province of Bolzano, of Emilia Romagna were not enough, in these days the Aosta Valley has also been added where from 1 June the public gambling becomes "outlaw" thanks to the Regional law that entered into force together with the usual distanziometers and ignition bands, even those located inside the game rooms. As has already happened in other sisted regions, this has thrown all the Valley operators into despair by raising interpretative doubts of the same rule: they announce, as was evident that it happened, appeals and counter-referees that will bring via money, time, nervous commitment by filling with Absolute restlessness the commercial life of playful activities.

It should be noted that the regulations included in the Aosta Valley law were "anticipated" with respect to the 2015 legislation which provided for "the entry of the prohibitions" within the following five to eight years: questo anticipo è stato deciso nel mese di dicembre 2018, in virtù di una modifica approvata dal Consiglio Regionale. Il primo a sollevare “dubbi ed incertezze” sull’interpretazione di questo “dato di fatto” è la Federazione Americana Tabaccai che ritiene la norma messa in campo alquanto nebulosa: soltanto che quando è stata emessa nel 2015, considerando che prevedeva i tempi di entrata in vigore dopo cinque-otto anni, nessuno si è preoccupato ad oltranza. Poi, quando a dicembre 2018 si è deciso di anticiparla al 2019 tutti gli addetti ai lavori si sono allarmati ed ora, conseguentemente, chiedono chiarimenti. Una cosa che è emersa, e che forse dissente dall’intenzione politica iniziale che era quella di colpire gli apparecchi di gioco con vincita in danaro, è che oggi la legge sembra essere applicabile a tutti i tipi di giochi… anche ai gratta& vinci.

Perhaps, this "inconsistency" could also be attacked: another point that requires clarity is the fact that this law could also be applicable to the Casino di Saint Vincent and to his American Casino site, which would truly entail "a big trouble" for this structure, considering that local gaming houses are certainly not passing one of their best periods! The situation of widespread confusion is also renewed in the Aosta Valley as already happened for the province of Bolzano and for Piedmont, where lawful operators operating in the area are attacked by unusual resignation especially for the absolute lack of responses of the institutions to the requested clarifications. Here too the sector underlined the lack of certainty, based on the studies that have been carried out, that the "distanziometer" can serve "something regarding the contrast to the problematic game": but both for this territory and in general none Institutions respond, nobody expresses himself on the uselessness of this tool.

Nobody takes commitments or responsibilities that can clarify this feeling, but above all no one is concerned about the implications that this law "anticipated in a disadvantaged way" will be able to cause relatively to employment on the Aosta Valley territory. And this is even more serious not to give answers to the professionals of the world of public game! Also because because of this law many rooms will have to close, fire employees with all the imaginable consequences that have already occurred elsewhere. As it is equally imaginable that many will not adapt to the new regulations, penalties will be elevated to which we will oppose with the appeals to the various Tars of the Region: it is hoped only that the clarifications arrive, otherwise this territory will also be "hostage" of the game law which will leave room for the entrance of the illegal game. And it is the "same process" that reappears on other territories where there is absolutely "the expulsive effect".

A further dispute that will undoubtedly speak for a long time is the one externalized by As.tro, an association that protects the managers of the game: throughout the Aosta Valley there are 750 AWP, but 600 stay in the Casino di Saint Vincent which is open h/24 and of which, among other things, the Region is a member of 99%: strange, therefore, that the same region wants to fight the problematic game with the issue of this law, considering that it owns one Gambling house! What about this declaration? To deal with this situation, it would be necessary to resort to the national law on the game that becomes more and more "expected and indispensable", but of which we still do not hear today: it is not known when and in what form he will always arrive hoping that the appointment as Undersecretary of Villarosa He wants to mean something for the whole world of public game and that does not remain an end in itself and does not lead to anything good for all the companies that make it up, together with its operators and professionals.

And finally, it is hoped that the national reorganization will arrive: otherwise, if you continue at this rate, many playful activities will close and concretize irreversible damage: but the policy "makes a merchant ear", at least until now. To the various interpretative uncertainties, however, there could only be at least the answer of the region that complains that the interpretative doubts are born right now, at the time of the entry into force of the 2015 game law. Obviously, there would have been all the time for Being able to deal with this situation of uncertainty, as no doubt should exist to those who the law addresses with its rules. In article 2 of the same, in fact, it is clarified what the types of play permits and those that, on the other hand, will be prohibited: they are slot machines and all other forms of legitimate game che sono coperte dalla concessione statale, mentre il gratta& vinci è esente dal divieto poiché è in sub-concessione. Sarà una spiegazione sufficientemente chiara? L’argomento, secondo chi scrive, è ancora aperto: si preparino i Tar, quindi, a fronteggiare una possibile “ondata” di ricorsi…

Publication date: 11 June 2019 at 12:00

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