
The expulsive effect returns to the regions is the protagonist

Among the many disquisitions of the last few weeks, among the critical issues that are then overcome also by means of the policy of pure entertainment, the national reorganization of the game, and of the New casino with best slots, who certainly will not arrive as hoped, the government crisis and the resignation of Mario Draghi who questioned what little or so much that he was doing for the entire playful sector, in these days the now well -known reversed returns Expulsive effect. "Recreational calamity" that definitely goes hand in hand with the very old territorial question that today holds a sentence relating to the appeal forwarded by a company owned by two games rooms that are involved in the always latent disaster of the expulsion with which the public game Too often and still on too many territories he is forced to confront and account. Obviously, it is useless to emphasize that the long -awaited national reorganization could almost certainly put an end to this playful tray that has become unbearable and unsustainable.

But given the political situation that the country is going through this moment this desire will not come true, and unfortunately it will remain such. Precisely as a consequence of this, the judges of the various TARs will again be forced to face the cruel dictates of the many times recalled "capestro" regional laws, sometimes managing to even take the defenses of the game activities, pronouncing with more and more frequency "against" the ordinances municipal. As it seems already happens in what we "like" to tell today and which develops in that of Bologna at the relative TAR and which materializes in the Emilia-Romagna territory: controversy that takes place in the terms that are specified and which involves one betting room located in Reggio Emilia. The object of the appeal is the legitimacy of a provision of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia which has included the two games rooms of which it is between those that do not respect the distance imposed by the Emilia Romagna law on the game that requires a 500 -meter distanziometer.

In brackets, one of the two betting rooms has already been voluntarily closed for the economic issues resulting from the long wave of the pandemic emergency. To oppose the provision adopted by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, the applicant company has provided, as from its burden, elements relating to the relocation that support how extremely small the available space for this impending is. In fact, we are talking about 0.04% which would be considered suitable for a possible movement: On the other hand, the municipal administration, although it was its obligation, has not attached any element to refute what was exposed by the applicant operator of the betting rooms. Precisely for this reason, the judges of the Tar emerged consider a precise verification necessary that clarifies if, taking into account the current urban conformation of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, the impossibility of locating the presence of any game room or hall is truly determined to locate in the municipal area bets and what the percentage of territory is really in which this foreclosure would exist and this with reasonable certainty.

The same verification should also include whether to take into account the presence of the game rooms and the betting rooms in the local area as well as the presence of the so -called sensitive places deriving from a map created by the municipal administration the application of the discipline relating to the relocation of activities of play in the same territory allowed the transfer and continuation of the playful commercial activity to another place: all too obvious to emphasize that the said transfer would be carried out by the other recipient operators of the same ban imposed by law. These are exactly the requests exhibited by the judges of the Tar of Bologna to the Municipality of Reggio Emilia from which "the definitive decision" on the appeal presented, as already indicated above, by a company owned by two betting rooms located on the territorial reality of Reggio descends Emilia: appeal filed not only against the aforementioned municipality of Reggio Emilia, but also towards the Emilia Romagna Region.

Act with which it is required precisely to cancel the resolution of the city council with which the methods of the ban on "existing" to the game rooms and betting rooms and the same prohibition of a new installation of entertainment appliances, better known as slot machines are expected to prohibit " , as well as the mapping of sensitive places in the proximity of which no legal game activities should survive. Pending this verification as anticipated in the previous lines, the TAR judges expressed themselves in "a definitive non -decision" waiting for the aforementioned checks requested and entrusted to the director of the Department of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Milan. This "non -deliberate" also manages to make those who love gambling smile: in fact, in the midst of the many negativity that in recent weeks they make life in general rather heavy "we like" to interpret this "non -deliberate" as a marked point In favor of the game against the institutions even if without a doubt "we don't like it" to go against you, of course.

But in this case a small victory can only do well in the heart at a time where all trust and hope in institutions and in its measures has unquestionably lack! Honestly the trust by the world of games towards the Mario Draghi government was really so much and see him "vanish" without perhaps a real motivated because he closed those roads that unexpectedly seemed to have opened with the future law delegated on the game that would bring joy And wealth to the sector, like the closure of a beautiful fairy tale with a happy ending. But so unfortunately it will not be and who knows how much more time it will be necessary to wait before the reorganization of the game falls within the priorities of the new government that will not be operational if not in October. Meanwhile ... the game continues to make its usual mortal jumps that has been so well trained to make that today it manages to do them almost perfectly, but with little economic profit and with such uncertainty in the future.

Publication date: August 16, 2024 at 22:30

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