

Gambling: the hiding of the American executive

Very often and willingly, in these lines, the agreement intervened in the Unified Conference of 7 September 2017 between the State, Regions and Local Authorities was remembered: among other things, agreement signed by all participants, and never applied by the various decentralized institutions ... more

february 11, 2020: • No comment

UK: you want to eliminate credit cards from gambling

The world of gambling and that of the best legal mess, in particular the online one that obviously has neither limits nor borders, involves the regulation of many states that each reality provides to do in the best way in ... more

february 8, 2020: • No comment

Controls increase to counter illegal game

All that for the public game, and more precisely for the entertainment equipment sector, has been included in the maneuver by the yellow-red executive (at least according to him) to contrast the problematic game, even in casino sites, the game ... more

february 5, 2020: • No comment

Belgium and Sweden: problem for advertising to gambling

Honestly, one would never want other countries to apply the total prohibition of advertising to games and bets, since the repercussions that this is causing to the market of our country are still to be quantified, but certainly they do not suggest ... more

february 2, 2020: • No comment

The difficult world of slot machines and videolottery

On the part of the experts of the game, more than once, to explain how the entertainment equipment sector, their charges, their investments, their future has tried how it works: this evidently cannot be ... more

january 30, 2020: • No comment

The silence of politics towards gambling

It is known that the year concluded, necessarily, we look back to see what has been done and what could be done but, above all, what needs to go on, for the near future that for the world of game ... more

january 27, 2020: • No comment

Legal gambling will also live in 2020

Inevitably, every year, both personal budgets and for companies and this 2019 almost all of them were stingy of positivity: in particular for the world of game, including the best American legal sites of Casino ... more

january 24, 2020: • No comment

The usual hypocrisy of the government that increases taxes on the game

But how, one could honestly think by applying a minimum of intellectual honesty, the executive continues to ride (but only in form, evidently) the contrast of gambling on our territory, continues to insist on its immorality that would "justify" i subsequent and ... more

january 21, 2020: • No comment

Poker game has no more limits or boundaries

On our American territory, Lapalissian appears that the world of game and the best online casinos, especially that of entertainment equipment has no peace, but not even practical solutions to make their journey casually like those who love ... more

january 18, 2020: • No comment

Gambling: the fight against institutions continues

By now, for a couple of years that between the institutions and the world of games, including American casinos, there is a bloody battle which, unfortunately, is dragging the whole playful sector and its businesses to the Stramo: many speeches and many ... more

january 12, 2020: • No comment