
Extension of the concessions of the games: uncomfortable topic

The world of games and of American mess, its organization, its sales points and all its supply chain seems to be perpetually under a sort of magnifying glass, both by ADM in communion with the protagonists of the sector, and also of the policy that perhaps, finally, wants to take In hand the games sector and arrange the path. To date, even after the Lockdown that has worsened every single "ravine" of the sector by dragging it in an unprecedented economic unease, the playful life has certainly not been easy. In fact, the emergency experience highlighted all the uncomfortable topics that gravitate to the world of games and want to emerge, but that have been ignored by politics today in other affairs, at least lately. One of the most uncomfortable topics concerning the playful world is the national reorganization of the entire sector: the other is that of concessions that are blocking the projects or even any investments of some operator who still believes in the game business and is also so crazy To think of putting capital there.

But given that the gamble public exists, and its request from the players too, it would really be needed that the sector was organized and regulated in the best possible way, given that around 150 thousand employees operate in the playful world, a figure that could continue to grow if the game industry He could work with tranquility, without anxieties, without distanziometers, but instead with right and balanced regulations, especially uniformly applied on the entire American territory to make the sector homogeneous from north to south of the boot. On the notorious reorganization of the games, the distribution and decrease of the stores will also depend, the professionalism of the professionals will grow, who will finally have the opportunity to participate in the competitions for concessions so that the sector will thus be better represented at the distribution level. The concessions, then, is evident that they are expected as "manna from heaven" since it is assumed that with them the professional work of the operators is safer and more peaceful.

Assuming that today it still wants to say something to be a "reserve of state" and have a concession that allows to represent the state product and with it legality in the area. In any case, the extension of the concessions is at a very short deadline, in fact it is June 30 and therefore very close, but it must also be taken into account that by implementing an in -depth analysis of the legislation in place the extension of the same should already be understood as predetermined for next October 29th. And this by virtue of the various DPCMs who intervened to face the health emergency. Which leaves a few months, but considering the reopening of the game activities and of wager Which is taking place in the current month of June, after a persistent closure, they do not seem many four months to "restore the economic fate" of the various points of sale and put back "neglected" activities so long. However, it should also be remembered that "being indispensable to ensure the continuity of carrying out the public betting service" this service cannot undergo interruptions while the new tender procedure is organized.

From this specification it should descend that the concessions for the collection of bets expiring to 30 June 2021, regardless of any intervention provision by the Customs and Monopolies Agency will be extended. Obviously this "principle" must be applied for all game concessions, and therefore for both online and for those of the terrestrial game. No more deadline on June 30, but only the one already established as of October 29, 2021 even if this figure seems even not to have been taken into consideration by politics. Which appears quite serious and, above all, a harbinger of "apparently useless discussions" when in the decree of USA of good memory there was everything "well" specified: but it is known that when it comes to gambling and its regulation "i if and the but "they really are wasted! But even if we consider "acceptable" what is inserted in the said provision, the operators are certainly not quiet.

But not only for the deadline of 29 October 2021, in any case of only four months, but for the general situation of the world of games which as a scenario brings the vision of an absolutely new reality of the market with which all the sectors, and particularly The game also from mobile app, is also comparing with the fear due mainly to the "change of priorities" of citizens and the economic emergency. In fact, the commercial activities of the game, unfortunately, will certainly have to compare with the desire for fun and lightness that will bring users to the game points, but it will then be necessary to ascertain which and how much the expense will be that even the aficionados visitors of the rooms from the game will be willing to spend for entertainment. Today, the economic emergency is clearly present and it will be necessary to evaluate in what percentage the game will affect the expenses to be made to have fun: and it will not be easy: neither for players nor much less for businesses.

Companies that during this health emergency had to suffer more than remarkable disbursements to face the very long closures and investments that were however necessary, today, to have the opportunity to reopen the doors, without however having the certainty of having an economic counterpart: Everything is too surreal everything you are experiencing. The priorities have changed, the salaries for those who still manage to collect them perhaps by means of the layoffs are to be allocated to probably more important things than fun: only the desire to relax, to go out, to feel more confident that ... everything will be fine. And how much all this will affect the reorganization of its daily life and if the game will be part of a new daily life will take some time to understand it. On the part of the world of games you can do nothing but hope and prepare well to welcome the players: for the rest unfortunately perhaps it will be necessary to be "fatalists" and wait what will really happen in the game points. Will they return to being frequented or not?

Publication date: June 27, 2021 at 18:00

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